How To Choose The Perfect Fragrance (At Home Edition...)
Ok... so let's be honest - we are going to be spending much of the foreseeable at home.
So how can we make the most of it? How about treating ourselves to a little olfactory delight!
When we run our cologne discovery workshops we love to talk people through the art and science of scent. The golden insight is this: we wear fragrances to give an impression to someone. Our scent gives off a signal, a sign, an intent.
Even when our mobility is restricted, the same is true. But the receiver can be anyone: a loved one you live with, a friend you'll see at a distance, or even yourself.
The joy of scent is that it can take the recipient away to a special place. We designed City with a Shoreditch barbershop in mind; Coast takes us away to the North Norfolk sea; Country envisages a walk in the rural delights of Britain; and Mountain evokes a crackling logfire cabin après ski. And of course, blend them to let your imagination go wild!
Where do you want to go? Choose the scent that evokes where you want to be and be transported there from the comfort of your abode.