Slowing Down - Thomas Clipper meets Carl Honore
Tis the season of fast: fast deals on the heels fast approaching holidays. We don't know about you, but it can sometimes feel a bit much...
Thankfully we're not alone, and in 2015 we had the pleasure of speaking to Carl Honore about the 'Slow Movement'. We recorded the interview and can now present it to you as an antidote to the excess speed of the Christmas season.
Tip: click 'Listen In Browser' on mobile if you'd rather not download the app.
For the uninitiated, the Slow Movement started with Slow Food as a reaction to ‘Fast Food’ in the 80s. The timing isn't a coincidence - indeed the cultural opposite to Slow seems to be the Wolf of Wall Street attitude of the 1980s economic boom. It gained ground as that boom slipped from view.
If you're interested in what a Slow Shave (as mentioned in the interview) looks like, we'd recommend taking a look at this guide to the perfect shave.
Of course, slowing down isn't a new idea. All the way back in 1666 when there was plague and fire and inadequate personal hygiene, Samuel Pepys was still compelled to complain of his compulsion to whip out his pocket gadget en route home and check ‘what o’clock it is 100 times’.
At Thomas Clipper, helping men to enjoy life and slow down has been a goal of ours for some time. It's part of the reason we created our line of traditional wet shaving products in the first place, recognising the value of a moment of calm in a busy day.